Do the international students get a job offer in Australia after completing their Masters degree from University of Melbourne?


Hi, I am an Indian student looking to pursue Masters from the University of Melbourne. I wanted to know the situation I will be in after I complete my Masters. Will I get decent job offers from companies in Australia or other International companies?

Answers ( 3 )

  1. Hi ,

    In my case, graduating with a masters in teaching (early years) from unimelb secured me tons of interviews and jobs upon application . I believe it depends from industry to industry. My skill is highly sought after And the graduate school of education ranks second highest in the world. In saying that the course consisted of both lectures and clinical placements simultaneously over the course of 2 years. So we got to work and develop practical skills; develop portfolios apply theories and network too. Our network leaders and lecturers were highly prolific within the industry so their references helped out a lot. All this I believe helped with employment opportunities for me here.


    No one is going to give you a job offer simply because you’ve obtained your Masters. It’s all up to you.

    It’s your job to prove that you’ve gained the skills needed for gainful employment.

    Graduate school is more about networking than anything else. Take every chance you can to meet prospective employers and find employment opportunities to showcase some of the skills you’ve learned and gain relevant experience that you will need to find an opportunity after graduation.

    The fact that you are Indian doesn’t matter. If you can convince an employer that you are the right person for the job, they’ll work to get you a working visa.


    See what all i can say is job always depends on candidate ability to takeup, as many indian students who are considered hard working 85/100 usually grab the jobs so dont worry for job earlier than your studies rather go study & gain good knowledge insights . Door for bigger firms will always welcome you .

    Good luck !

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